Monday, December 19, 2011


Today, in preparation for Christmas time and to show the staff how much I appreciate them, I baked some cookies for the teachers and took them to school.
Everyone that knows me knows that I love to bake sweets. So I decided to bake something “American” to share with my co-workers.  I didn’t feel like making a pie or cake, so I decided to make some chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies, which I’ve made so many times that I have the recipes stored in my head.
I spent the entire Sunday night baking cookies, It took a lot longer than it would normally take in my home in the U.S. because I did not have a fancy pastry blender to blend the ingredients so I had to stir everything with my hands and also because I could not find any measuring cups or anything with the U.S. metric system, so I had to do a lot of mathematical calculations. Also, the oven in my piso is very small, so I could only put a few cookies in the oven at a time.
I finished baking late and the result was a lot of cookies! I made so many cookies that I had plenty to take to school, plenty to leave at home for my roommates, and I even froze some cookie dough to use later.
Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
On Monday, as soon as the teachers saw the cookies on the table in the teacher workroom, they dove right into them. They loved the cookies; especially the chocolate chip-cookies (Spaniards love anything chocolate) and they begged me to give them the recipe in Spanish.
Later that night when I got home, my roommates couldn’t stop talking about how good the cookies were and my other roommate actually took some to her job for her co-workers to try.
So I guess the cookies were a success, everyone loved them. The funny thing is: I baked them, but I only ate one myself. To me, they were normal, but I guess Spaniards aren’t exposed to freshly baked cookies too often.

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