Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If There Was Ever a Time to "Vinar"

Every once in a while I feel the need to create my own Spanish word. Spanish is known for having single verbs that, when said in English, are actually phrases. Take the words "desayunar," "almorzar" and "cenar" for example, which mean "to eat breakfast," "to eat lunch" and "to eat dinner," respectively. Yesterday I invented a new word, "Vinar", meaning beber vino or "to drink wine." This word was created as a reaction to the horrible day that I had; in which I decided that in order to feel better, I would have to vinar muchisimo.
Yesterday morning, I met with my supervisor and she said some things that really rubbed me the wrong way. I was very frustrated after the conversation that we had; not only because I felt like she had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, but also because I was trying so hard to hide my anger that I didn't get to tell her how I felt about the work that I was doing in the school and the things that sometimes frustrate me. And so for the rest of the day I was in quite a somber mood. I couldn't wait to leave school.
As soon as 4:30 hit, I immediately left school, having already decided that, in order to calm myself down, I would need to have some wine and chocolate. Unfortunately though, I did have some other stuff to do that day so I decided to wait until I finished my Valenciano class. So later that night, I went to the store to buy my goodies and returned to my piso, ready to put myself in a good mood.
When my roommate walked into the piso that evening, she saw me in the kitchen pouring myself a glass of red wine and fixing dinner. "Vino?" she asked, "Si, yo he tenido un dia horrible," (I had a horrible day) I responded. When she asked me why, I refrained from telling her about it, I was way too sensitive at the time. I sat in the living room drinking my wine and eating my chocolate along with my roommate, who was also nibbling on some of my chocolate. We watched T.V. together and laughed and talked. Although she didn't know what was wrong with me, I was grateful that she kept me company.
Afterwards, I decided to Skype my mom and my sisters before going to bed. I knew that speaking to them would make me feel much better, and it did.  
I went to sleep assured that I would have a better day on Tuesday, but also knowing that there was still a conflict that needed to be resolved.

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